2014/15 Rams Touch has concluded and on behalf of the committee I'd like to thank all members for a great season. 5 divisions and around 400 players weathered storms, pouring rain and wind, heat and plenty of sweat. We thoroughly enjoyed the season and along the way met some talented and fantastic people. Thank you for your participation, we hope you enjoyed playing with the Rams and that next touch season brings just as many enjoyable nights on the paddock. Keep an eye out for an SMS and email regarding the up-and-coming Rams Touch Presentation afternoon. Prizes for leading tryscorers, Champion's Cup winner and Runnerup and Scrubber's Cup winners will be presented. 

Grand Final Results for Season 2014/2015

Age Championship Winner Runner Up Scrubbers Cup
8-10s Rhino Rumbles All Stars Avengers
11-13s Ridge Boys Ultimates Touch & Go
14-16s Untouchables Invincibles Curveballs
Mens Trogs Breaking Even Old Warriors
Mixed Are You Done? The Untouchables Ladies & Tradies


Angela Parker's picture

Hi our son was in the 8-10 team the Avengers that won the Scrubbers Cup we were planning to go away that weekend didn't think they would be getting anything since they only won the Scrubbers is this so


Angela Parker

President's picture

Hi Angela, your son won a Cap for being a part of the team, please contact me on 0414347126 and I can pass on the person who collected the Caps, thanks.

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