Get ready for the big man in red. Santa will be visiting Rams Touch Footy on the 4th of December 2017, at approximately 6.45pm down at the fields. He'll be riding in on a big red fire truck with plenty of cheer and lollies for the kids. He comes courtesy of the Rouse Hill Rural Fire Brigade and Rams Touch Footy. We are proud to announce a donation of another $1000 to the legends volunteering at the Rouse Hill Rural Fire Brigade, they're a part of the NSW Rural Fire Service, the world's largest volunteer firefighting organisation. These guys and girls attend a range of incidents and activities, including:
• Bush and grass fires
• House and structure fires
• Storm damage
• Search and rescue
• Motor vehicle accidents
• Community education
• Bush fire mitigation
We're thankful for their services and are hoping our small donation goes towards assisting them in keeping us all safe.